Platformer Title Screen

Gameplay Footage


Alptooeyca was a personal game project created to help me hone my programming abilities in Unity. In this platformer, the player is an alpaca who must spit at nosy and disruptive tourists and collect their belongings (hat, camera, etc.) in order to drive them away. But beware! These tourists are known for taking more pictures than is necessary, so the player must avoid getting their picture taken at all costs.

Challenge: Design and produce a game in 2 weeks

Skills: Gameplay Programming, Game Design, 2D Art & Animation

Platform: Desktop

Project Duration: 2 weeks, 2019

Tools: Unity, C#, Photoshop


Instruction Screen

Different Levels of Gameplay

Designing and Developing a Game in Two Weeks


Game System Mapping


2D Art

Title Background

Dynamic Gameplay Background

Animation Sprite Sheets